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Oxford German Mini Dictionary
- Автор:Oxford Dictionaries
- Жанр:Oxford University Press
- Год:2011
- Страниц: 656
- Издательство:Oxford University Press
- Скачать:в fb2 формате
- Аннотация:
This is the reissued Oxford German Mini Dictionary — now in an attractive new format. This small dictionary offers the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations. Easy-to-use colour design and a centre section of useful words and expressions listed by topic make this dictionary ideal for travel and quick reference. Includes 3 months' access* to Oxford Language Dictionaries Online at oxfordlanguagedictionaries.com *Terms and conditions apply; please see www.oxforddictionaries.com/access for information.
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